Military Morning
Secret Makes You
Poop Out 47 Pounds
of Pure Fat

Military Morning
Secret Makes
You Poop Out
47 Pounds
of Pure Fat

“Mommy… Please Don’t Die!” pleaded her daughter shaking uncontrollably as her neighbours stared in shock.

“Your next heart attack will kill you” warned the doctor.

“Honey, I am sorry, I love you, I… just… I am not attracted to you anymore”

Apologized her husband as Veronica began to cover her fit, lean body.

her husband
as Veronica
began to cover
her fit, lean

These words crushed her and made it hard for her to breathe as they pierced her heart like little daggers.

She felt her whole world collapsing around her…

Once an all-American with a radiant glow but after two kids and an accident that left her struggling to walk…

Her body fat… especially her belly fat had exploded like a nuclear bomb…

She felt helpless, unimportant and heartbroken and

just like that her life and her 23-year marriage had exploded into a million pieces and

she blamed herself for it all….

That night… she took a long hard look in the mirror and felt a desire to be alone…

and quietly said… this is it… I’ve had enough… I’m done.

She Took an Entire Bottle of Tylenol and Laid There Waiting for Her Time to Come...

and what happened next is very hard for me to tell…

Because that’s when our 11-year-old brother walked in to see his sister dying…

Foaming at the mouth and groaning like a drug addict overdosing on heroin…

My brother called 911 and then me.

What we never realized was that this call would lead to the biggest breakthrough in the natural weight loss industry in the world…

Uncovering a Multi-Billion-Dollar Scam That has Kept Millions

of hard working Americans just like you from ever reaching their fitness goals while

Putting millions of your hard-earned dollars into the pockets of those heartless CEO’s...

A breakthrough that allowed my sister to lose 39 pounds of pure body fat and 11 inches around her waist in a few weeks as she supported a healthy blood sugar level, blood pressure and rejuvenated her energy with just one simple hack… and best of all

…she did this without any exercise

...or going on a starvation diet

…in fact, she freed herself from all her obesity related health issues laying on her bed recovering from her broken hip eating all her favourite foods.

...or going on a starvation diet

…in fact, she freed herself from all her obesity related health issues laying on her bed recovering from her broken hip eating all her favourite foods.

And in almost a weird way…

I am happy that we experienced this horrible event…

As her struggles uncovered the biggest conspiracy in the 21st century…

One that revealed the truth about the health and food industry and how

those multi-billion dollar health corporations purposely lie to you to keep you obese.

Freeing Over 21,545 Men and Women From These Crippling and Gut Wrenching Lies.

21,545 men and women just like you in their 40’s…

50’s 60’s 70’s and even 80’s

Who can’t perform those insane high intensity work-outs like P90X, Insanity or even CrossFit without injury…

Who are tired of being lied to by companies like Jenny Craig, Nutri Health, Atkin Diet and Weight Watchers because those starvation programs destroy your gut health
and are designed
for you to fail…

Men and women over 40

…who on average lose 7 pounds of pure body fat including

Men and women
over 40

…who on average
lose 7 pounds of
pure body fat including

  • your stubborn belly fat
  • your love handles
  • and your annoying back fat

in a week without a single work-out while eating all your favourite foods including

  • pasta
  • lasagna
  • steak
  • and even ice cream

Now, you might think you have tried it all and seen it all but I promise you...

You’ve Never Seen Anything Like This as…

This one simple hack that you’re about to discover will allow you to heal your gut so you lose 7 pounds of deadly body fat in a week without

a single work-out or even leaving your sofa as you enjoy all your favourite foods

a single work-out or even leaving your sofa as you enjoy all your favourite foods

…while you free yourself from all your obesity related health issues such as:

  • Heart attacks & Stroke
  • Low Energy
  • Arthritic and Joint Pains
  • High Blood pressure
  • And certain cancers

Now before we get into this breakthrough discovery…

I want you to know that I am not sure how long this video will be up for…

Since this discovery is an all-natural solution that only uses a very simple yet unique “golden ratio” of herbs and spices found from your local grocery store… so

It’s impossible for those huge pharmaceutical companies to profit from…

In fact, I’ve already gotten a letter from their lawyers…

And shortly, I am going to be forced to shut down this video

…so make sure you watch all the way to the end because it may very well be gone tomorrow.


You may be wondering how I know all of this…

My name is Master Sergeant
Randy Walker

and I am a proud retired United States Marine Sniper and Lisa is my sister.

In a moment, I’ll tell you how I came by this 60 second morning ritual that saved my sister’s life and melted all the unhealthy body fat that haunted her since she had my niece

...But first

you need to know why my sister became obese with a BMI score of over 35

…triglyceride level over 420 and developed type 2 diabetes which eventually led to the stroke that almost tore our family apart.

You see, all of this started because my sister was unaware of the death-like effects of having excess body fat.

If you have any extra body fat such as

  • …Belly fat
  • …Love handles
  • …or even back fat

Then you TOO could be at risk for life threatening diseases and YOU WOULDN’T EVEN KNOW IT.

Then you TOO could be at risk for life threatening diseases and YOU WOULDN’T EVEN KNOW IT.

Here, just take this test…

Just simply take your hands and open them like so…

Spread them around either side of your belly and pinch.

Just simply take your hands and open them like so…

Spread them around either side of your belly and pinch.

Spread them
around either side of your belly
and pinch.

You see this fat in your hand?

This is called Visceral fat and according to Harvard Medical School...

This fat is stored deep in your body, surrounding your vital organs and

is extremely dangerous and a cause of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, arthritis and even cancer.1

It’s also the cause of numerous other issues such as joint pain, back pains and other frustrating pains.

You see this fat in your hand?

This is called Visceral fat and according to Harvard Medical School...

This fat is stored deep in your body, surrounding your vital organs and

is extremely dangerous and a cause of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, arthritis and even cancer.1

It’s also the cause of numerous other issues such as joint pain, back pains and other frustrating pains.

Now, this fat is unlike your normal fat and it is very difficult to eliminate if you don’t know how to target it.

Which explains why it’s so hard for you to lose stubborn body fat and trim away inches…

But more importantly, keep ALL of it off for good.

Now, if you’re like my sister...

As she Turned 40, her Body Started to Change as She Fell Victim to the Countless Lies of the Diet and Weight Loss Industry.

It’s not YOUR metabolism…

It’s your microbiomes’ metabolism...

And once you are able to maintain the right gut bacteria…

That bacteria will literally eat the fat off your body for you…

It’s your microbiomes’

And once you are able
to maintain the right gut

That bacteria will
literally eat the fat off
your body for you…

And help burn through energy, and the frustrating excess fat clinging to your body…

Faster than any diet or workout program ever could…

She just piled on more and more weight

…and eventually developed type 2 diabetes but…

Worst of all… she had no clue that her excess body fat could have caused all of these life threatening issues like

  • Strokes and heart attacks
  • Low Energy
  • Alzheimer's
  • Diabetes
  • And even Cancer…

You see

…if you’ve ever struggled with your body fat I want you to know that…

It’s not your fault.

The real problem is the fact that you’ve been lied to
for years… and these lies are keeping you from the
body you desire and deserve… and In fact…

According to the world health organization
over 75% of Americans are overweight and
have excess body fat!

All because of the ridiculous lies from the major health corporations…

Some of these lies include:

  • Cutting back on your calories to lose weight…. or to go “low carb”
  • Performing joint busting high intensity work-outs
  • Or Buying ridiculously expensive supplements/machines

I bet you’ve heard some of these or maybe even believed it… but

These are not even close to the truth.

You see...

Cutting Back on Your Calories is the Absolute Worst Thing You Can Do If You are Over 40...

The moment you starve yourself…or go “low carb”

Your body will go into “survival” mode and raise its level of cortisol so that you retain more fat as it thinks you are being starved.

Even worse, your stomach stops producing healthy bile and bacteria that helps digest your food properly so it’s used as fuel and not stored as fat.

And this makes it impossible for you to lose a single pound of body fat

Even worse, your
stomach stops
producing healthy
bile and bacteria
that helps digest
your food properly
so it’s used as fuel
and not stored as fat.

And this makes it
impossible for you
to lose a single pound of body fat


Those insane high intensity work-outs?

They were not designed for anyone over 40 where your risks of injury are so much higher.

If you are one of the millions who fell victim to these lies, then you must continue watching this short presentation because

I’ll show you how this 60 second morning ritual…

The secret I learned from someone I’d prefer not to name yet…

Helped that someone create lean, mean, healthy super soldiers in a matter of weeks…

That could endure any conditions Mother Nature would throw at them…

That would help them drop stubborn body fat despite eating well over 5000 calories a day

And the same secret that helped my sister drop 48lbs of body fat

The SECRET that Saved my Sister’s Life

And helped rid her body of her belly fat…

You can even use it the moment you wake up tomorrow morning...

You’ll wake up rejuvenated, full of youthful energy and notice that your excess belly fat is diminishing…

And your love handles are starting to vanish.

...and you’ll support healthy joint health

You’ll experience a surge of energy and want to spend it all on time with your loved ones

And most importantly...

You’ll support a healthy heart and blood pressure level.

.…and in just a few short weeks…you’ll wake up and look at your reflection in the mirror with your chin high in the air, shoulders back, and a sparkle in your eye…

As you see the

  • Flat Belly...
  • Slim Waist…
  • and Lean Body...

that you’ve always desired...

Right there...

smiling confidently back at you.

This Simple 60 Second Morning Routine Doesn’t Require you to Starve Yourself or Leave Your Couch as it Doesn’t Involve a Single Exercise!

You won’t need to make a single change to your diet and best of all…

You won’t need to go to the gym or use one of those overhyped high intensity infomercial fitness products that do nothing but injure you...

In fact, if you were like my sister who had a bad knee

…you just might lose all your weight while sitting on your couch


If you are like me

…your probably a bit skeptical

…And you should be


If you are like me

…your probably
a bit skeptical

…And you should be

...because in my opinion... you’re probably used to the lies that those huge pharmaceutical companies have spent billions of dollars broadcasting to you

…in fact that’s exactly how I felt and that’s exactly how my sister felt

…Until we saw the results in front of our very own eyes…as she lost 79 pounds…completely changing her life

…without the treadmill or a change to her diet.

This 60 Second Morning Ritual can be Performed by Anyone of Any Age. However, it’s Most Effective for Men and Women Over 40.

You see… as you age past 40…

Things within your body changes

Those exercises and diets that worked in your 20’s and even 30’s will not be as effective.

You need something that’s designed to work with your body and meant for men and women over 40 like this 60 second Lean Body morning ritual...

So, are you Ready to Discover this
60 Second Lean Body Morning Ritual?

Like I mentioned before

…my name is Randy Walker and I’ll never forget the phone call I received on that terrible evening…

I was in bed at home beside my beautiful wife and just in the other room my 4-year-old son

…I had just come back to the States after a tour in Afghanistan 3 weeks before.

I was a marine sniper part of the United States Special Forces Brigade and proudly served my company as we assisted in the war on terrorism specifically with the war with Al Qaeda

That’s when the unthinkable happened. I got the call from my little brother, he was crying

“Randy… Lisa’s Dying I Don’t Know What To Do…”

“What!?” I replied “Did you call an ambulance?”

“Yes” he continued crying

I immediately hung up the phone…

..and rushed to pick up my brother...

..and rushed
to pick up my

We went to the Methodist Hospital in Houston...

We went to the Methodist Hospital in Houston...

I remember being beside my sister’s bed with my brother as she woke up from her attempted suicide…

“I am sorry”, my sister whispered with a long, low sigh as she stared at her feet, avoiding any eye contact.

We gave her a big hug and said Lisa “let’s go home, everything is going to be ok…”

The truth was that I had no clue what to do

…but that’s when my little brother confidently said “Everything is going to be okay!”

“Randy is a marine and He Fights for the Good People on this Earth, so Jesus is With Us and Jesus Makes Sure

everything is okay… so everything will be okay sister. Don’t worry.”

After that moment

…I realized this was a sign from above and that I had a few choices…

I could... do nothing…

and watch my sister fail over and over again, starving herself as her health degraded,

and having my brother wonder If he’d be able to graduate high-school with his sister in attendance.

​Or I could get angry and blame the world for why my sister was in her situation.


I Could Dedicate All My Resources and Prior
Knowledge of the Human Body
to Find a Solution for Her.

…and since I was a marine…

I decided to pick option 3…

I wanted… needed... to dedicate all of my resources and connections to find a solution for her.

…and since I was a marine…

I decided to pick option 3…

I spent a couple of days thinking… and then I realized…

When I was training in the marines, we were never told to watch our calories or do any of those crazy diets like The ones my brother kept trying to use…

I recalled that my commander had brought in a Kickboxing Champion and medical scientist from Canada who came to our camp to keep our squad fit…

I wanted… needed... to dedicate all of my resources and connections to find a solution for her.

I spent a couple of days thinking… and then I realized…

When I was training in the marines, we were never told to watch our calories or do any of those crazy diets like The ones my brother kept trying to use…

I recalled that my commander had brought in a Kickboxing Champion and medical scientist from Canada who came to our camp to keep our squad fit…

And I remember that his system of training was completely different from anything I had ever seen.

He told us to eat more “tasty” foods such as pasta, steak, hamburgers and even ice cream as long as we performed a simple morning ritual and consumed this special “golden ratio” of spices and herbs that he gave us.

Now, this might sound a bit like something out of a movie...

but I remember that when they brought in this scientist

…His System Almost Created… “Super Soldiers” from Regular Civilians in Just a Few Short Weeks.

but there was an issue…

I didn’t have his number…

Plus, this information is strictly classified as it was how our marines got so fit and healthy so that they could fight for our nation.

However, I am a senior officer so I decided to risk it all…

Plus, this information is strictly classified as it was how our marines got so fit and healthy
so that they could
fight for our nation.

However, I am
a senior officer
so I decided to risk
it all…

I called in a favour from one of the tech guys and I luckily I ended up getting his number...

He Held a Master’s Degree in Applied Science from the University of Toronto and was a World-Famous Thai Boxing Champion.

I thought since he spent most of his life researching the most cutting edge technology in fitness

…he might be able to help my sister...

He had trained some of the deadliest people in the world and had access to some pretty powerful equipment at his laboratory where he conducted advanced regeneration research…

At first, he simply refused to talk to me as the information was classified…

But when I told him the story of my sister… he reluctantly agreed and said

"Ok Randy”

"Ok Randy”

“The Truth Is, in my opinion The Public In America Has Been Lied To”

“You know those huge corporations?”

“They’ve done a wonderful job paying off all those dirty politicians so that they can teach all the wrong information to the public… they want to keep obese so that they can keep making money off them”

“The food pyramid and everything you know about weight loss is a total hoax”

“You know those huge corporations?”

“They’ve done a wonderful job paying off all those dirty politicians so that they can teach all the wrong information to the public… they want to keep obese so that they can keep making money off them”

“The food pyramid and everything you know about weight loss is a total hoax”

“It’s the biggest conspiracy and cover-up and it’s costing American’s 190.2 billion dollars every single year.”

Mike then explained how he has created a system used by Muay Thai fighters all the way from Thailand…

They Use It Right Before Huge Fights so that they Can Lose Up to 8 pounds in a Short Amount of Time... It Involves just One Simple Morning Ritual

Using a unique ratio of herbs and spices that has already been scientifically proven in his labs to force your body to maintain more healthy gut bacteria, bile, stomach acid, and digestive enzymes2…

You see, this specific ratio uses some herbs like psyllium husk

which helps support your pancreas produce more acid bile and forces your body to melt away fat.

Black Walnut

which supports your digestive system and helps you get your unwanted belly fat out of your body...


which is packed full of fiber and helps keep you feeling full…

And Aloe Vera

which is an ancient Asian herb that supports your digestive system to support a healthy gut and weight. And several more…

But the real secret…

is when you combine a few simple tricks and these herbs in a special golden ratio… that supercharges their effects.

This Special Golden Ratio Allows your Body to Dissolve Stubborn Fat Like your Belly Fat, Love Handles, and even Relentless Back Fat…

And tells it to get the hell out of your body!

This is exactly how the marines take regular civilians and get them combat ready in less than 4 weeks...

…while they continue to eat all their favourite foods.

He then sent me over in the mail about 30 pages full of notes…

He wrote to me “Randy, this is 30 years of research boiled down to something that is going to make a lot of large companies very, very angry.

I just want you to promise me one thing...

You’ll help as many people as possible with this solution”

I agreed, I opened up the file, scanned through it… and called Mike and said

“Wow Mike, this is actually pretty simple and straightforward… are you sure this is it?”

He laughed and said “Yep, remember how you and those other marines got in shape so quick?”

“Remember how you never really had to skip a meal at all?”

“Remember how you never really had to skip a meal at all?”

“Look, my sister was in a similar situation to your sister…

She struggled with
unhealthy weight
her entire life and it got so bad that she struggled to walk up even a small set of stairs because of all of her excess weight.

She struggled with unhealthy weight her entire life and it got so bad that she struggled to walk up even a small set of stairs because of all of her excess weight.

…in fact this put some pretty serious stress on our family…

​This is one of the reasons why I went to school to become a medical researcher and what led me to travel and train in Thailand to discover this ancient secret

It’s taken me over 2 years of research to discover it.

The Lean Body Morning Ritual that Champion
Fighters… AND our Military Used

A simple morning ritual that supports a healthy gut so that your system can naturally kick that unwanted fat out of your body!

It was right there and then that I looked at it in the file he gave me…

And I felt a huge sense of relief come over me…

I knew that this was God answering my prayers…

So I went to my local market… and came across a big problem.

It took me weeks to source all the ingredients from all over the world…

And thousands of dollars because they had to be specially shipped in…

Weeks to extract the seeds and leaves… one by one…

Then dry them out... grind them down

…and measure them to be in the precise ratio

…which I didn’t want to do…

But I Remembered That It’s the Precise, Special Golden Ratio That’s the SECRET

…so I patiently waited.

Then finally. when I had sourced all of the herbs and mixed the golden ratio…

I tried just a little bit myself… and I instantly felt my stomach heat up!

I started to sweat as if I had just done an intense workout.

That morning I effortlessly went to the bathroom!

At that point, I finally realized that everything was going to be okay…

At that point, I
finally realized
that everything
was going to be

I called my sister and brought her over the rest of the golden ratio of herbs that I had left.

I’ll never forget how she looked at me like I was crazy the first time I gave her this bag of herbs.

She Didn’t Believe that Something so Incredibly Simple as Adding a Special Combination of Herbs and Spices to her Food Would Do Anything at All…

And I bet you are probably a bit skeptical too

…and believe me…

So was I

…except I saw first-hand all the soldiers that this combination of herbs had helped.

And I remembered that video showing the fat cells literally vanishing.

So, if you’re a bit skeptical

…that’s a great sign because, like you, my sister was skeptical too

…and that’s exactly why you know it will work so well.

In fact, the only person who seemed to be confident was my baby brother…

She just said


“Lisa… everything’s going to be fine, Jesus is going to take care of us” with absolute certainty

So, we begged my sister to try this Lean Body ritual.

And Over the Next Few Weeks We Witnessed the BIGGEST Breakthrough in the Weight Loss Industry…

Within 24 hours my sister called me and she was squealing with joy because she lost 2 pounds of body fat and her belly was down 1 inch without doing anything but adding the golden spice to her breakfast.

It was as if she was a whole new person…

Her energy came roaring back, her skin looked better…

and the most incredible part was that she kept on losing weight…

7 pounds...

Then another 10 pounds...

Plus, she was feeling more energetic, her husband was happier too!

She kept on following this simple morning ritual.

And over the next few weeks we witnessed a miracle.

My Sister, an Overweight 53-Year-Old Went from 210 Pounds to 131 pounds WITHOUT Making A Single Change To Her Diet While Laying on the Couch.

She did as much exercise as walking to her kitchen, while still eating all her favourite foods and not performing a single bone shattering work-out.

She now has the energy, vitality and look of a 20-year-old!

And you should see the way her husband looks at her now…

...proudly holding her hand in public.

As her weight started dwindling down she even started going on walks and was proud to look at herself in the mirror again.

After a few weeks, my sister had to return to the doctor for her follow-up visit after her crisis.

As we drove to the hospital, I saw my sister blinking rapidly and biting at her lip.

After a few weeks,
my sister had to
return to the doctor
for her follow-up
visit after her crisis.

As we drove to the
hospital, I saw my
sister blinking
rapidly and biting at her lip.

I felt butterflies in my stomach since this was the same office where, just a few weeks earlier, my sister was told she would die if she didn’t lose her excess eight.

“Wow!! What Have You Been Doing!?!”

- The Administrative Staff Screamed, Teary Eyed, As They Couldn’t Believe my Sister’s Transformation

They remembered my sister and were STUNNED at her condition.

They even asked her how she did it… and they all wanted to know her secret!

When we finally sat down in the appointment, the doctor said with bulging eyes “You look amazing! what have you been doing?”

My sister just turned to me with tears of happiness in her eyes… and couldn’t even piece together her words.

The doctor then took a small blood sample from my sister… reviewed it and said:

“I don’t know how you did this, but in my 43 years as a medical doctor, this is the most incredible recovery I’ve ever seen, congratulations”.

The doctor then took a small blood sample from my sister… reviewed it and said:

“I don’t know how you did this, but in my 43 years as a medical doctor, this is the most incredible recovery I’ve ever seen, congratulations”.

We all teared up… then my brother put his hand on my chest and gave me a hug and whispered…

“Thank You Randy, You Saved My Life”

Now… remember how Mike made me promise to help as many people as I could?

Well… I’ll be honest with you… I didn’t want to…

I was happy to just get my sister out of her situation… because here’s the thing…

Maybe it was a fluke?

Well… I’ll be honest with you… I didn’t want to…

I was happy to just get my sister out of her situation… because here’s the thing…

Maybe it was a fluke?

Could Something so Simple as a 60 second Morning Ritual and the Golden Ratio of Herbs Really be so Powerful?

Could it really support your gut so that your body starts to dissolve your stubborn fat like sugar in hot water and forcing it out of your body?

I did see the incredible transformation that my sister went through…

How she lost 79 pounds sitting on her couch since she wasn’t able to walk properly…

Losing her belly fat

restoring her energy…

And most importantly…

Restoring her confidence

…yet I was still a bit unsure…

Then one day I logged into my Facebook and noticed something…

My Sister’s Transformation had been Shared 11,273 Times and Seen by 931,400 People!!

I was getting inquiries from all over the world about what she did!

My friends…

…my sister’s friends

…and even random people on social media started to ask questions about exactly what she did.

Now, at first

…I was overwhelmed with these messages and I was slightly annoyed.

However, I remember the promise I made to Mike..

and my sister said...

“Randy…This Is God’s Way Of Showing You Your Destiny... You Need To Go Help Others With Your Discovery”

This was the kick in the butt that I needed…

I Decided Right There to Retire from the Marines and Spend my Life Helping and Serving Others.

I knew that these herbs by themselves were way too expensive for the average American… and I knew I couldn’t expect people to wait weeks for ALL of the herbs to arrive (not to mention find the various sources).

So I came up with a plan...

I figured... If I bought the herbs in bulk and straight from the source, then contacted a modern, FDA certified and Made in the USA manufacturing facility that could do everything for me…

I could produce this incredible ratio of herbs in the quantity I needed.

I Even Thought that with Modern Technology and Science Available to Us Here in the United States of America…

I would be able to create a formula even MORE powerful.

So I found a small manufacturing facility just outside of San Antonio Texas.

They took the recipe of natural ingredients and tested thousands of different extraction processes….it took them 8 months of research

...but eventually she found a way to preserve 98.6% of the herbal nutrients in the exact golden ratio we needed.

And the best part was that our unique blend is 100% natural and the facility that we produced the capsule in is FDA registered and GMP certified

…so we were approved instantly!


I Gave the 100% Vegetarian Capsule to Some of the Individuals Who Inquired…

...and the results were absolutely shocking…

Check Out Kimberley...

A 38-year-old mother of two beautiful girls…

...who was on the verge of a heartbreaking divorce because her husband was no longer attracted to her.

She rapidly lost 35 pounds by simply taking the golden ratio of herbs every morning.

She now spends quality time with her daughters…

She’s even able to go on trips with them as her energy levels have been restored and all her weight related issues are gone!


What About Vanessa?

Vanessa couldn't perform any of those insane high intensity exercises that her "corporate trainer" told her to do… (while ripping her off).

She used the golden ratio of herbs...

And she lost 21 pounds!

And she kept on losing her body fat without a single exercise or change to her diet.

In the end, she lost 87 pounds!

Now her life has completely changed, forever.

Or Maybe Emma accountant who struggled with her weight for 23 years…

until she saw my sister’s story and messaged me.

I sent her a bottle of the golden ratio of herbs capsules.

She decided to take the golden ratio of spices with her orange juice every morning...

And in the first week, she excitedly messaged me to let me know that she had lost 2 pounds

...Without a single change to her diet or exercise.


Don't Forget About Olivia

Her transformation completely shocked her doctor..

Who suggested that she try expensive and invasive surgery to deal with her crippling obesity-related health issues.

Instead, all she did was follow the simple 60 second, all-natural morning ritual and she too lost 98 pounds.

Or What About all the Men who saw equally incredible results and changed their lives forever?

And these are only a few of the over 21,545 transformations that I’ve been able to watch happen!

After seeing the thousands of transformations…

And tens of thousands of requests for the product…

I’ve decided to call it the Acidaburn.




The only all-natural solution that utilizes the golden ratio of herbs to help your stomach continue to breakdown fat so that you may properly eliminate it from your system.

The only weight loss solution designed specifically for men and women over 40 that treats the root cause of weight related issues from the inside-out.

Based on the results of thousands of men and women just like you and I…

who have discovered that we are only one simple cure away from supporting the enzymes in our digestive systems

We have taken the time to source the golden ratio of herbs in the exact measurements outlined by Mike

and used our cutting edge, low pressure Cryo-Press technology in our FDA certified labs and put them in a specialized, ultra-slow time release capsule

…so that we can maintain 99.6% of all of the nutrients.

Because as you and I established here today,

The War on Weight is NOT About Doing More Exercise Or Starving Yourself...

It’s about the health of your gut microbiome that has the power to keep you slim, youthful and happy.

As you now know, your microbiome are not being supported the way they used to in their 20’s and 30’s…

And to make matters worse...

Most men and women like you especially here in the United States, have been blindly following the wrong methods as they have been misled by those giant health corporations whom target the problem from the outside-in…

Most men and women like you
especially here in
the United States, have been
blindly following the wrong
methods as they have
been misled by
those giant health
whom target the
problem from the

Further shattering our metabolisms while preparing us to be tied down by depression, sickness and disease.

Acidaburn reverses and releases you from this.

Because the reality is...

If you want to dramatically change the way you look and the way you feel...

And be in control of just how long you want to live on this planet…

You MUST Support Your Gut Biome to Reignite Relentless Weight Loss From the Inside-Out...

Instead of confusing the heck out of them, with harmful chemicals, cleanses, Hollywood gadgets and gimmicks.

And the only way to truly do this is by supporting acidic bile production, digestive enzymes and cleansing your small intestines with this all natural herbal solution that supports your gut microbiome.

A herbal solution that is confirmed by one of the world’s healthiest remote islands off Southeast Asia

And backed by thousands of Acidaburn success stories.

And as you listen to this...

Your body is practically begging you to make this change!

And don’t even get me started on your family’s finances!

Do you really think it's wise to continue spending thousands of dollars on weight loss solutions that clearly don’t work because they weren’t catered for you?

In my opinion, we might as well take our money, walk over to the massive corporations, and shake the hands of the greedy guys in suits…

Do you really think it's wise to continue spending thousands of dollars on weight loss solutions that clearly don’t work because they weren’t catered for you?

In my opinion, we might as well take our money, walk over to the massive corporations, and shake the hands of the greedy guys in suits…

And put our hard-earned money right into their pockets ourselves...

Because they are literally “banking on you” to fail so they can keep lining their own pockets…

...and have you come right back, begging for more.

...and have you come right back, begging for more.

But you’re a smart American and I don’t need to tell you how much your body and bank account will THANK YOU…

For finally saying yes to a proven, trusted and reliable, pennies-a-day weight loss system backed by science,

That Literally Takes Only 60 seconds To Do Every Morning and That You Can Start the Very Moment Your Order of Acidaburn Arrives at Your Door! Right away!

Fast, safe, rewarding and life-long weight loss...

Is only possible if you’re using a solution that actually works with you to reset your unique internal chemistry...

And realigns your body deep within,

To prime your metabolism for immediate, long-lasting fat loss.

My team has taken the hard part out and sourced the purest, highest quality, gut healing and intestine supporting nutrient and plant extracts that we’ve spoken about today...

And put the perfect ratio into a small easy-to-swallow capsule you can take right away.

Every capsule is manufactured right here in the USA in our FDA approved and GMP (good manufacturing practice) certified facility under the most sterile, strict and precise standards.

These capsules are vegetarian, non-GMO, 100% safe..

And there is absolutely nothing else in them other than the ancient herbs.

Losing Weight with Acidaburn Only Takes 7 Seconds a Day!

Everything you need is at your fingertips, literally!

This time, isn’t it a great feeling knowing you will have full control of your body again...

With a clear step by step plan...

Starting today?

The moment you take the done-for-you herbal combination...

You'll begin to override your fat storage system by following a special timing protocol that burns fat 2x faster.

Even more... this all-natural herbal combination has been scientifically proven to support heart health, joint health and even support healthy energy levels!

Even more... this
all-natural herbal
combination has
been scientifically
proven to support
heart health, joint health and even support healthy energy levels!

This would explain how the Marines in our military got so fit so fast!

So you no longer need to choke down tasteless “diet foods” and continue to eat the foods you love.

Remember, you only have one shot at being the best you, and you deserve to be happy...

It’s NOT too late,

Now, after seeing those shocking photos and real-life results,

You may be thinking…

Since this system is the real deal, it must be unaffordable...

But Remember How I Told you I Promised Mike that I’d Dedicate My Life to Expose the Real Truth About Weight Loss Here in America?

And to help as many men and women as possible…

Well, we don’t take that commitment lightly,

So we considered selling the 30 day supply of Acidaburn for $397 online

And that would be a steal compared to what those huge corporations charge for a similar done-for-you solution.

And if you are serious about trying something that’s never been revealed to the public before...

And taking control over your life…

then you need to ask yourself…

How Much is it Worth to You to Wake Up and Feel Proud of your Reflection in the Mirror?

How much is it worth to you to have your friends secretly admiring your incredible transformation?

Can you imagine the feeling when your partner rushes in through the door to grasp you tightly in their arms because your new physique has turned them into a hungry piranha?

Or how much would you pay to never have your kids or your family members worry about your health condition?

Or how much
would you pay
to never have
your kids or your
family members
worry about your health

How much would that be worth to you?



You See... If You Were Like my Sister… You’re Probably a Giver and Always Try to Please Others…

And even when you want something that you know will change your life...

And you know that it's a once in a lifetime deal…

Sometimes it’s hard to give yourself permission to get something you so desperately need.

And I completely get that…

However… I would hate to see a fellow American walk away because it just wasn’t feasible...

So, I want to make it as affordable as possible so every man or woman can say YES without hesitation.

And truthfully, our former clients may be upset because $397 for a 1-month supply is still an incredible deal...

Compared to the tens of thousands of dollars spent on research and development... not to mention the risk I’ve taken to leak this to you.

But it’s okay because, once again...

...I’ve committed my life to helping men and women just like my sister…

And just like the thousands of clients who have completely changed their lives already.

So we debated giving the 1-month supply away for $197.

But that still just didn’t sit right with me…

I felt that gut-wrenching feeling since so many men and women like you, my sister, and even myself, have been misled for so long…

By giant corporations and hoax marketing methods led by phony “corporate coaches” telling us how to “fix” our bodies.

So we will not be pricing a 1-month supply at $197, or even $99 (The normal online retail price)

Instead, I want to make this a “no-brainer” decision for you…

I Want to Offer You a Special “Online Grand Opening Special” for the Last Remaining 200 Bottles That We Have Left.

So for today only, for the grand opening specials...

I’m going to take another $40 dollars off...

So You Can Get a 30 Day Supply of Acidaburn for a Simple One-Time Fee of Just $59/bottle.


That’s only $59 Dollars a bottle.

Exclusively for you...

And even though it's money out of my own pocket...

I know deep down this is the right decision to take a giant leap forward towards our goal.

Just do me a small favor…

When your clothes start to fit differently and you feel more energetic by the end of a few weeks…

And you’ve lost more weight than you could ever imagine...

I know deep down this is the right
decision to take a giant leap
towards our goal.

Just do me a small

When your clothes
start to fit differently
and you feel more
energetic by the end
of a few weeks…

And you’ve lost more
weight than you could ever

Just take a before and after photo and send it over to me.

And tell a friend or family member about Acidaburn...

So you can gift them with this same opportunity to change their life as you have today,



So by now I’m sure you are excited to get the product for this grand opening special…

And while there’s nothing I want more than to help you make that happen...

But the truth is…

Getting Acidaburn Can be Actually Quite Challenging.

You see, first of all...

The golden ratio of herbs must be sourced from their native regions and harvested at a particular time during the year.

This way it ensures their maximum potency.

If we were to mass farm them the way these large corporations do it…

We would completely ruin their native nutrient levels.

So we can only source the special combination of 16 herbs once a year…

On top of that

Our FDA Certified and Made in USA Technology

...The Low Pressure Cryo-Press Technology...

Is the only technology in our market that preserves 98.6% of the nutrients of the herbs…

But the Problem is, It Takes 2 Months Just to Create 1 Batch of 250 Bottles!

So we can only source the special combination of 16 herbs once a year…

On top of that

Our FDA Certified and Made in USA Technology

...The Low Pressure Cryo-Press Technology...

Is the only technology in our market that preserves 98.6% of the nutrients of the herbs…

But the Problem is, It Takes 2 Months Just to Create 1 Batch of 250 Bottles!

So when we run out of the stock that we have right now…

It takes a while to get the next batch ready to go!

So the smartest and most successful clients of ours have always purchased at least the 6 month, 6 bottle package.

And if you want to make the best decision...

I highly recommend you take advantage of this Online-only Grand Opening Special and select the 6 bottle package below.

And if you want to make the best decision...

I highly recommend you take advantage of this Online-only Grand Opening Special and select the 6 bottle package below.

Plus, we want you to be completely satisfied…

So we are even going to ship every 3 and 6 bottle order made today with zero shipping charges...

Sounds good?

So look below this video and don’t wait a second longer to take control over your life and health today.

Just select your package below and automatically get your $40 discount

…and remember, as a smart consumer

…you should take this once in a lifetime opportunity and stock up on the 6 bottle option because once we run out

…this incredible herbal combination won’t be restocked for a long time.

And as you’ve seen in the studies today…

Mike and the entire team at Applied Science Nutrition recommends that you take Acidaburn for at least 90 days to ensure you reach your desired weight.

This is because, if you are over 40...

And have been battling weight gain... your microbiome has not been supported properly

Take Control of Your Life Now by Choosing an Option Below

And you’ll be taken to a page that looks like this:

And the moment you make your purchase….

You’ll get an email from me from

With an order confirmation email along with a short welcome message.

OH, and before I take any more of your precious time

I want to take it one step further and offer you an added “Thank You” bonus

To encourage you to do the smart thing and get the 3 or 6 bottle option…

I am going to offer some bonuses that are going to help you incinerate your stubborn body fat so much faster when you commit to the 3 or 6 month options…


With the 3 and 6 month package... You’ll get...

60 Second Flat Belly Protocol
($57 Value)

​​​In the 60 second Lean Belly Hacks, I’ll teach you the “secret” method that the

marines and fighters use to torch off their stubborn belly fat… just 60 seconds.

These 60 second sequences are going to specifically target your belly fat and

midsection to get you that flat belly you’ve always desired and deserve.You’ll also get…

Over 40 Libido Booster
($57 Value)

​​​Do you feel like you just don’t have the sexual drive that you had when you were 20?

Did you know that according to statistics…

your sexual energy should actually be highest as you age past 40?

I am going to teach you how to “feed” your libido with some simple foods that will have you and your partner jumping all over each other…

As you can see…

Just the bonuses alone are worth $114…

But since all I want to see is you become liberated from the grasp of the big health and fitness companies...

...and live the life that you desire and deserve…

I Will Include These Bonuses for FREE When you Commit to the 3 or 6 Month Option.

Don’t forget...These bonuses will only be available on this page so if you leave now…

Not only will you have to pay the regular $99/Bottle

But you’ll lose your chance to get these bonuses!

Only right here, on this page, will you have the chance to get a bottle of Acidaburn at this incredibly low price of just $59/ two life changing, free bonuses.

So, if you are ready to command control of your life and health today…

and want an easy-to-follow, doctor recommended system for quickly and safely losing 15, 25, 35 pounds of lethal, stubborn fat…

(or even more than that!)

...while support a healthy heart, and blood pressure level

Act Now by Selecting your Package Below...

And the moment you make your purchase…

You’ll get an email from me from

With an order confirmation email along with a short welcome message.

Now before I leave you today…

I just want to be honest with you...

I know how you are feeling...

I’ve felt the vicious impact of weight loss on my own family...

And since God blessed me with the life changing Acidaburn...

I realized I had to fulfill God’s purpose for me on this earth…

And since God
blessed me with
the life changing

I realized I had
to fulfill God’s
purpose for
me on this

Not to mention keep my promise to Mike to help as many people as I can.

That is why I have decided to dedicate my life towards this purpose

...and this is why, since that awful phone call from my brother…

I’ve retired from a lucrative career as a Marine…

And decided to listen to God… and serve men and women like my sister, Kimberley, Emma, Kelda, Peter, OJ, and now... YOU!

So I’m going to do something crazy.

Now… remember I told you that my purpose in this world is to serve you?

And remember the promise that I made to Mike?

Well, I Am About to Do Something Insane that Would Make Him Really Happy.

I Want You To Try Acidaburn for FREE…

That’s Right…

I want you to commit to the system for only 60 days

(don’t forget I’ll be emailing you 1 on 1 coaching tips and be with you this WHOLE time).

On the 45th day...

I’ll ask you how it was….

And if your answer isn’t…

“Randy… my life has completed changed”

...then I’ll simply refund you 100% of your money.

I want you to try everything that is included today.

…for Free.


So right now…

You Have Two Choices

You may wake up every morning wincing in pain, embarrassed at the reflection in your bathroom mirror...

And keep trying out solutions thrown at you by huge, greedy corporations…

But remember...everything you’ve tried hasn’t worked…

So you’ll continue to be disappointed, frustrated and insecure about your body’s excess fat...

...and this will severely affect your relationship with your loved ones.

So you’ll continue
to be disappointed,
frustrated and
insecure about
your body’s
excess fat...

...and this will
severely affect your relationship
with your loved ones.

You’ll continue to struggle with your weight.

At what point do you think you’ll decide enough is enough?

Remember my sister?

Do you want to get to the point where your kids won’t even know if you’ll be there to watch them finish school?

At what point do you think you’ll decide enough is enough?

Remember my sister?

Do you want to get to the point where your kids won’t even know if you’ll be there to watch them finish school?

Or end up with a broken family??

Think about the effects that this will have on your family…

...especially your kids.

Even worse…

If you choose to give up and neglect your health, then...

you may want to get your affairs in order...

Tell your loved ones that you love them because each time you see them could be the last…

Which is really abandoning loved ones who may be depending on you...

Like my little brother was almost abandoned.


Do You Want to Make the Right Choice…

...and wake up tomorrow with 1 pound of belly fat OFF your body…

...and every morning after that...

Spring out of bed full of youthful energy with eyes that sparkle and gleam

...and in just a few days your body will be noticeably leaner to your friends and family.

They start to compliment you as you’ve lost fat from…

…your belly

…love handles

…and even that annoying back fat.

You’ll join the 21,545 other people who have improved their lives by adding Acidaburn to their life.

You’ll wake-up…

walk to your mirror with your chin high in the air and see that you look 10–15 years younger…

While the stubborn fat around your arms, waist and thighs has been erased from your memory.

And it won’t take years for this to become your new reality…

No… You can expect the new you in just a few short

Yes, this actually CAN be you!

It’s time for you to act!

Stop saying ‘tomorrow’... because ‘tomorrow’ never comes!

It’s time for you to take advantage of this extraordinary, limited time offer…

And don’t forget…

this discounted price will be going away very soon…

...and the whole offer may be taken down by those big health and fitness corporations.

And remember…

If you Aren’t 100% Absolutely Blown Away by the Results… I Am Offering a 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

And of course you can’t forget about my special bonuses… the 1 on 1 accountability follow-up.

I’ll be with you every step of the way…

And if at ANY moment… you aren’t happy with the results...

Simply respond to my accountability follow-up

…and I’ll give you 100% of your money back, absolutely NO questions asked…

You truly have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Acidaburn is everything you are looking for.

Try it out and see how incredibly easy it really is to burn off your stubborn body fat…

Act Now By selecting your package below then clicking the Add To Cart Button Below.

and remember as a smart consumer

…you should take this once in a lifetime opportunity and stock up on the 6 bottle option because once we run out

…this incredible herbal combination won’t be restocked for a long time.

And as you’ve seen in the studies today…

It’s recommended that you take Acidaburn for at least 90 days to ensure you reach your desired weight.

Don’t miss this opportunity… I wish you abundant good health

Your Coach and Friend,
Randy Smith

Money Back Guarantee…

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you aren't satisfied with results from any of my products and programs. I will personally issue you a refund! All you have to do is send us an email with your request.


Do I have to starve myself to see results?

Absolutely not. In fact, with Acidaburn, you will be able to enjoy all your favourite foods such as pasta, cake and even ice cream without worry because you are about to turn your body into a fat burning machine.

I am over 50 will this work for me?

​​Yes. This supplement was developed specifically for people over 40, into their 50’s 60’s 70’s and even 80’s. Originally it was for my sister who couldn’t even walk. You will not need to perform any of those insane high intensity work-outs that will destroy your joints for good. All you have to do is take 2 capsules of this incredibly effective, fat-burning formula each day and you’ll be able to lose your unwanted fat.

Will this work for both men and women?

Yes. This system is developed for both men and women.

What if I don’t get the results like those 21,565 people?

​​​​​I am so confident in Acidaburn that if you are not absolutely shocked by your results, then I simply don’t want your money. I will personally issue you 100% of your money back, no questions asked. But honestly, you won’t even be considering this once you see just how much Acidaburn improves your health and happiness. I’ve seen it so many times, I am positive you are going to have the same incredible experience as those 21,565 others.

What Happens After I Click Add to Cart?

After you click the “add to cart” button, you’ll be taken to a McAfee and Norton secure checkout page that looks like this.

How long will Acidaburn be available for?

​​​​​This supplement offers a solution that many large pharmaceutical and food corporations do not like as they cannot profit from it. That’s because it is 100% natural. These large corporations have spent billions of dollars manipulating your government to publish “fake” news about what you should be eating. Since I am just one person, I’ve been able to fly under the radar, however it’s only a short amount of time before one of their lawyers discovers Acidaburn and forces me to take it down. So it’s really important that you take advantage of this life changing opportunity now, because I honestly can’t promise that it’s going to come up for you again. This is one of those rare moments in life where you have a choice - and I really want you to make the right one.

​​​​​What If I am Too Busy and Don't Have Time?

Acidaburn is effortless and takes no additional time outside of what you are already doing as it requires no exercise and no diets. If you drink water and eat food, then you have enough time for Acidaburn. Just follow the specific instructions on the bottle you’ll be good to go. All you do is take 2 capsules daily, with any meal. You can do this in under 5 SECONDS a day.

I have never been fit

​​​​​​​Don’t worry. There is absolutely no reason why this wouldn’t work for you, no matter your history with health and fitness. This is a perfect time for you to experience what ‘fit people’ do. This supplement is designed to immediately launch your metabolism and fat burning hormones….so even if you have never been fit….you will see results.

So, are you ready to finally live free of all heart related issues and enjoy the freedom of a healthy life?

Imagine waking up and seeing pounds of stubborn body fat melt off and walking around with your head held high in confidence because you are so proud of your body... Have you ever been able to experience that kind of power before?

All you need to do is fit 5 simple seconds into your day to take 2 ACB capsules.

You definitely won’t need a gym membership, or even need to leave your home.

And best of all, as I promised before, after 60 days, if this doesn’t absolutely change your life, I am going to issue you a 100% refund, no questions asked.

This is a no brainer. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

Do it for your family… do it for your kids… more importantly... do it for yourself.

Because I bet you, like thousands of others, have spent years of your life imagining what it would feel like to walk around with absolute ease and even pride in your own body.

Just imagine all the doors that would swing wide open for you in your new, healthy, energetic body… and now realize at this very moment... you don’t have to imagine it any longer. You’re shiny new reality - the one you never thought possible - is being served to you on a silver platter, right now.

Just click the add to cart button below to get started...